Short term improvements of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

Louis A. Cona, MD
Updated on
Dec 13, 2022

There are multiple articles online that discuss the science behind how stem cells work. We thought of taking a different approach, explaining how stem cell therapy makes a patient feel (physiologically and mentally) — both in the short term and long term.

Short term improvements of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

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How does stem cell therapy make you feel?

Stem cell therapy can have different effects on the body, depending on what phase of treatment the patient is in and what type of therapy one receives.  Stem cell therapy can make a patient feel increased energy, motivation & euphoria.  This feeling could be due to the influx of new mitochondria (cells) introduced into the body, providing fuel for the patients existing cells.

What does stem cell research say?

With the increasing popularity of stem cell therapies around the globe, more and more prospective patients are researching their use. It is essential for everyone to conduct ample stem cell research when deciding on what treatment is appropriate for their specific condition, but there are questions that anyone new to regenerative medicine typically has. 

Many articles are discussing the science behind how stem cells work, but how does stem cell therapy make patients feel?

Stem cell therapy can have different effects on the body, depending on the phase of treatment and the type of therapy a patient is receiving. 

According to the Medical Director of DVC Stem, Louis A. Cona, MD, during stem cell therapy, patients usually report symptoms common with any intravenous (IV) infusion. These can include a “rush” feeling, having to urinate more frequently, feeling cold, or getting a mild headache and fatigue. Patients typically feel tired after the treatment, which can last several hours.  The clinic recommends that patients sleep for at least 10-12 hours the following night to aid the process.

The day after treatment, patients regularly feel refreshed and energized. 

The massive infusion of stem cells and cell components circulate throughout the body, accompanying them is a vast amount of new, young mitochondria, the “power plants” of the body. 

The body now has a surplus of energy, which can make the patient feel energized.  This effect occurs because Mitochondria power all of the cellular processes continuously running throughout the body.  This influx of cells allows the body to perform at a better and more efficient rate at a cellular level. On a macro level, processes like brain function, digestion, waste transfer, and more all begin to work more efficiently.

Signalling cells (Cytokines) help promote a reduction in inflammation.

Small messengers called cytokines are also released into the body during a stem cell transplant. These messenger cells travel the body, signalling cells within the body to reduce inflammation throughout different tissues and organs.  

Inflammation can be pernicious to human health.

Inflammation, sometimes referred to as “chronic inflammation,” cannot always be felt, but increases as we age. This inflammation causes organs not to function correctly, can cause pain in the joints, and reduce a person’s athletic abilities. All of these benefits work continuously as the body interacts with the new stem cells.

According to Roma Pahwa et al., Chronic inflammation is a slow, long-term inflammation lasting for prolonged periods of several months to years. (1) It can be characterized by the continuous destruction and repair of tissue determined by the inflammatory process. 

Generally, the effects of chronic inflammation vary depending on the cause of the injury and the ability of the body to repair and overcome the damage. 

How long does stem cell therapy last?

While the studies are still underway, patients have been reporting that their sustained benefits from stem cell therapy last between 12-24 months with little signs of regression. It is at that point that a patient can decide whether additional treatment is right for them. 

The benefits of stem cell therapy can persist for long periods, but they are not permanent. The cells and their components are used up by the body over time and eventually diminish. 

Additionally, there are external factors that can affect how long the body benefits from treatment. In terms of recovery, inflammation is the body’s enemy. The body can trigger an increase in inflammation as quickly as the stem cell cytokines can signal a decrease. 

What causes inflammation?

Factors that can cause the body to increase in inflammation include stress, lack of rest, improper diet, and physical injury. After receiving stem cell therapy, patients need to consider these factors when making lifestyle choices. The patient leading a healthier lifestyle will enjoy more benefits from treatment and for more extended periods. Patients that are prone to inflammatory behaviour will see their benefits diminish more rapidly.  These lifestyle choices can include; smoking, improper diet, lack of exercise, etc.

Stem cell therapy can be a very effective way to combat the symptoms of many common inflammatory conditions such as autoimmune diseases, degenerative conditions, neurological disorders, and general wear and tear. 


(1) Pahwa, R. (2019, December 13). Chronic Inflammation. Retrieved from

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